Comment on the Application

The current planning application is described as follows:

Outline application for a mixed-use development comprising the following individual, severable and self-contained elements: i) up to 375 residential dwellings. ii) 1 form entry primary school including nursery. iii) employment area (up to 7,800 sq m gross internal floor area within Use Classes E(g), B2, and B8). iv) local centre (up to 865 sq m gross internal floor area within Use Classes E(a), E(b), E(c), E(d), E(e) and hot food takeaway (Sui Generis). Associated works; ancillary facilities and infrastructure; open space; recreation facilities and landscaping. Vehicular accesses from Gloucester Street and Oak Tree Way. | Land At Gloucester Street Newent Gloucestershire.

This represents a huge extension to the town in itself, but the really worrying part is that if this site gets the go-ahead, it opens the door to maybe another 1,000, spreading all the way to Malswick.

As a rural market town the agricultural land that surrounds us is an essential part of our reason for being here: cover that with houses and for better or worse, we change the nature of the town forever – there’s no going back.

If you are someone who lives or works in Newent, or visits regularly then the planning authority forest of Dean District Council need to hear your views on this planning application.

You can read more about the application and comment on-line here.

Or email the planning officer, Tony Pope:

When you email be sure to include your full name and address, and the planning application reference: P0584/23/OUT

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